Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Lytro Warm-Up
1. What did you see happen when you clicked on the photo? It look pix-elated the took a few seconds to load
2. How does this new camera work? Takes a minute to process
What do you think a photographer would have to know about to take this
kind of photo (remember its a point-and-shoot, so its full manual mode,
what do you need to know about)
4. Is it worth the money? I think so
1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. (Look carefully) Lips, Eye brows, neck, cheek bones. hair line
2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not? I don't believe so. Because its like false advertizement. We would all love to be that beautiful but most of us wouldn't want to be changed. I don't think they should try to make something out of us that isn't us. Its all a lie.
3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't? I think its ok to put on make up and make someone beautiful but don't completely change them to the worlds perception of perfect.
5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism. Photoj we don't change every detail about someone or something. we might tweek a thing or two. Fashion, everything has to be except-able to the naked eye.
6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each? They both capture beauty of something, or someone.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
ISO 200
This is an example of a photo were they used ISO 200 if you pay close attention to it you can see that they actually blurred a lot on this picture because they used a lot bit of ISO.
This is an example of a photo were they used ISO 200 if you pay close attention to it you can see that they actually blurred a lot on this picture because they used a lot bit of ISO.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Self Portrait and Portraits Part II
1. Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be
awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it.
That’s part of the point, after all.
2. Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get
good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s
a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.
I really like this picture because the man is really handsome and dressed really nice, he has a happy smile.
I really like this picture because the lady looks so old kind of like a tree. The way this picture is taken, is really nice!
I really like this self portrait because the man is being himself, funny and silly. I can relate because I always make this ugly face!
This picture is a favorite because the lighting and contrast is really different from most self restroom.
This is one of the very few actual casual pictures I found. The out doors with the leaves and light make it feel like Fall. Also the way shes laying down. Its not too much stiff posing.
This picture also doesnt have to much of a pose. The really nice smile makes it a warm casual feeling.
I'd like Alyssa Vargas be my model. That's who I will be taking my pictures of.
I'd be taking Alyssa to the trail of lights. Where all the lights and the walk will be my set up as my background. Alyssa will look really nice in a jacket and some hot coco on a cold night!
Friday, November 30, 2012
American Soldier & captions

I think the most powerful picture was when he & his buddy were putting up Christmas lights. because it really sinks in you're missing the holidays
B. Through the photos, Ian is in different locations, each set of photos from the same location comprise a short series or set.
1 -9
B. Through the photos, Ian is in different locations, each set of photos from the same location comprise a short series or set.
1 -9
10-30, 33, 34, 37, 39-44
31,32, 35, 70-83
Which set of images was the most powerful? Why?
When he was in Iraq. Because he can't turn around and just go home. He's really fighting and putting himself in danger. Reality.
c. How do the images work together to tell a story?
The different locations threw out the day/ months. Also the captions really help understand whats going on.
A. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?
Which set of images was the most powerful? Why?
When he was in Iraq. Because he can't turn around and just go home. He's really fighting and putting himself in danger. Reality.
c. How do the images work together to tell a story?
The different locations threw out the day/ months. Also the captions really help understand whats going on.
A. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?
B. How do the captions enhance the photographs?
They are really into detail & help make the story, kind of makes you feel like you know Ian.
4. Now its your turn to write a few captions - DO NOT COPY THEIR WRITING
A. Write three of your own captions to photos without looking at the caption written by the photographer. Be sure they are written in the following form. For this assignment you can make up names and facts to write your captions.
First sentence:
"Chapter 50: Time to head to iraq, Time to get serious. Ima miss home."A. Write three of your own captions to photos without looking at the caption written by the photographer. Be sure they are written in the following form. For this assignment you can make up names and facts to write your captions.
First sentence:
Second sentence:
Under the "Chapter 1: Signing Up" group of photos, look at the third
photo in which Ian is wearing his cap and gown for graduation.
The caption reads: Ian studies his transcript and diploma as he departs the Bear Creek High School commencement at Red Rocks amphitheatre
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Shutter Speed
high shutter speed
slow shutter speed
1. If I was assigned to shoot at Blue & Gold night..
slow shutter speed
1. If I was assigned to shoot at Blue & Gold night..
a.) the dunking booth - high shutter speed
b.) the food eating contest - high shutter speed
c.) the rock climbing wall - high shutter speed
d.) someone working at a booth - high shutter speed
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle - high shutter speed
f.) the Diamonds performance. - high shutter speed
Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enough that you
can't see from one end of the courtyard to the other. - slow shutter
a.) the dunking booth - slow shutter speed
b.) the food eating contest - slow shutter speed
c.) the rock climbing wall - slow shutter speed
d.) someone working at a booth - slow shutter speed
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle - slow shutter speed
f.) the Diamonds performance. - slow shutter speed
1. What part of the body should we closely relate aperture? Our eyes are the one that most closely relate too.
2. Finish this sentence - the smaller the Aperture __the bigger the
opening_, the higher the Aperture __the smaller the opening_.
3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field?
the low f stop settings the opening of the aperture will open bigger
letting more light go it and the bigger the f stop the smaller the
aperture letting less light go in.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Funny captions
This man is calling a bus station to come and pick him up during a hurricane. He's more then half way under the water trying to get out of town. Does he really think a bus will driver or swim over to him right now? The world may never know.
This is Bob, and Bob just proposed to his lovely girlfriend Jill. While at a baseball game, we were lucky to catch the back of Bob as we can see the cut out hair on his back of a heart. Expressing his love.
This is Kobe. Kobe is being attacked by a playful Kangaroo. As Kobe was trying to get a closer view of the Kangaroo, Butterfinger decided to play fight Kobe. Which led to this great pic I took.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Great Black and White photos part 3
1. These pictures from theses photographers caught my eyes by the way they are set up and taken. I have never seen waves captured so well.
2. In this picture of waves, I see the clouds colliding with the ocean. I see the waves crashing against each other. I see the horizon so far. I can smell the salt rising into the air. I can smell the bird poop on my shoulder. I can smell the sea weed under my feet. I hear the birds above me chirping I can hear the ocean below me swooshing. I taste the salt water thats splashing in my face from the waves. I can feel the wind threw my hair & over my skin.
In the picture of
2. In this picture of waves, I see the clouds colliding with the ocean. I see the waves crashing against each other. I see the horizon so far. I can smell the salt rising into the air. I can smell the bird poop on my shoulder. I can smell the sea weed under my feet. I hear the birds above me chirping I can hear the ocean below me swooshing. I taste the salt water thats splashing in my face from the waves. I can feel the wind threw my hair & over my skin.
In the picture of
Friday, October 19, 2012
Academic Shoot reflection
1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you? A really big challenge was finding simplicity and Rule of Thirds.
2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly. I had a confusing time with focusing, only because theres two lenses to fix.
3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography? I would understand the 6 rules better
4. What things would you do the same? The same pictures
5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve?
6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture?
Rule of thirds
7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?
Rule of thirds
2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly. I had a confusing time with focusing, only because theres two lenses to fix.
3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography? I would understand the 6 rules better
4. What things would you do the same? The same pictures
5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve?
6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture?
Rule of thirds
7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?
Rule of thirds
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Academic Shoot
Rule of Thirds
Avoiding Mergers
1. this picture isn't as understanding as it sounds
2. the subject is hair
1. I think i followed the rule very well, I made sure just to focus on the lines of the candy. I really like this picture.
2. The subject is lines.
3. I think its super obvious what the subject is, because the background is really blurry making the eyes only focus on the lines of the candy.
1. I don't think i followed this rule very well. Mostly because i don't understand it.
2. The subject in this picture is a group of students reading a book for english class.
3. Its clear what they are doing for this subject in this picture.
4. I could of seen a picture that actually stands for simplicity then, take my own.
1. I think i followed this rule well.
2. The subject is gym
3. Its clear he's playing basketball.
1. yeah i think i followed this rule well, the chairs are balancing themselves
2. the subject is theater
3. no its not clear, its confusing
4. i could of saw a good picture of a balancing photo to copy the style or angle
1. i think i framed this photo pretty well.
2. the subject is math
3. its clear this is a math because of the books.
Avoiding Mergers
1. this picture isn't as understanding as it sounds
2. the subject is hair
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Africa and Mural Project
1. All the pictures were really great. They are all so detailed & clear. I was amazed how they looked like paintings!
3. This would most definitely have to be my favorite picture by Nick Brandt. Just because i love how the baby cheetah is being protected by the 3 adults. Also the baby cheetahs face looks so cute!! Just this whole picture captures so much.
4. Simplicity, because he captured everything around the little cheetah but yet still kept his focused on him.
5. a. What kind of camera did he use? Pentax 6711
b. What is his reason for taking the photos? He found these animals mysterious, amazing, and beautiful. He wanted to capture there mood, emotion, and them in natural being.
c. What is his hope by taking these types of photos? By taking these types of photos he hoped to catch the animals in their natural state, state of being, find their emotion.
d. "The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes."
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Academics & Community Service
Answer the following questions:
1. Why did you pick this photo? I picked this photo because its really neat how it looks like he is writing in air or on the camera and its showing visibly.
2. What rules of photography are evident in the photo? Lighting, focused and really clear
Finally - your next shoot will involve shooting academics, which means in classrooms around the campus.
1. Where do you think you could take photos like the ones you look at today? In a math class, or Science class.
2. Whose classroom would you like to visit and take photos in? Ms. Briseno, Ms. Fayad maybe even Ms. Roberson & the gym
3. What will you do, as the photographer, to get amazing photos like you look at today? Standing on different chairs to see at different levels. Making sure the picture has really good lighting & well focused.
1. Why did you pick this photo? I picked this photo because its really neat how it looks like he is writing in air or on the camera and its showing visibly.
2. What rules of photography are evident in the photo? Lighting, focused and really clear
Finally - your next shoot will involve shooting academics, which means in classrooms around the campus.
1. Where do you think you could take photos like the ones you look at today? In a math class, or Science class.
2. Whose classroom would you like to visit and take photos in? Ms. Briseno, Ms. Fayad maybe even Ms. Roberson & the gym
3. What will you do, as the photographer, to get amazing photos like you look at today? Standing on different chairs to see at different levels. Making sure the picture has really good lighting & well focused.
Filling The Frame
This picture filled the frame, everybody is in a corner & the whole picture is taken up by an object. In this photo I think the kids are messing around with some fog and having fun. Maybe someone brought some of the ice from the ice cream man truck. It looks like something from a scary Halloween house.
Action and Emotion
I really see emotions with everyone holding hands & praying around a flag. Maybe this photo was taken on 9/11. The kids in this picture may have lost a parents or family member in 9/11 so they are showing respect for those who lost their lives.
The Story
I think the story of this picture is a science experiment with water. Maybe the girls are supposed to drop something inside of the cup, but instead like threw it. The splashing of the water is showing the preasure of the object hitting the bottom of the cup making all the water rise up & splash.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Unusual & Interesting photos
1. What is your reaction to his work? I love it!! its so neat & different.
2. How do you think he made these photos? I think he like shook the camera or something to make them look dizzy or like moving.
3 Think about some buildings you have seen, which ones would be good to take a photo like this? Tell me about those buildings, where are they, could you get easy access to them? One building I can think of is Frost bank, down town Austin Texas. Another place would be Statue Of Liberty would be really nice, in New York, above the water.
1. Why did you pick this photo? I picked this photo because its really unique and her eyes really standout. I like this photo so much!
2. What category did you find this photo? Local Portrait and Personality
3. What award did it win (what place)? 1st
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) He made her eyes standout to grab your attention
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? They must of noticed how beautiful she is, and how clear the picture came out
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? Placed her facing a window to capture her eyes.
1. This is a good skill to have when it comes to composing a scene in your viewfinder.
Photographers should always be on the lookout for projects.
By studying this you will be able to see decisive moments better on the street.
4. Did the photographer follow the suggestions fully? Yes
5. Which style of painting do you think might influence you? Colorful paintings and unusual
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Photo manipulation and ethics
Rockets and pictures in different places and settings all around the world. The biggest one was in April of 2003 in Los Angeles. People come out when they are about to launch to take pictures. On April 1, 2007, the Toledo Blade ran a front-page image by photographer Allan Detrich, showing members of the Bluffton University baseball team kneeling in prayer before playing their first game since five of their players died in a bus crash in Atlanta.
I think this type of editing is really realistic, and this lighting is really good for this type of setting.
This is least unethical because you can not see her teeth as bad. Not unless you really stare or zoom in.
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