Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Academic Shoot

1. I think i followed the rule very well, I made sure just to focus on the lines of the candy. I really like this picture. 
2. The subject is lines. 
3. I think its super obvious what the subject is, because the background is really blurry making the eyes only focus on the lines of the candy.


1. I don't think i followed this rule very well. Mostly because i don't understand it. 
2. The subject in this picture is a group of students reading a book for english class. 
3. Its clear what they are doing for this subject in this picture. 
4. I could of seen a picture that actually stands for simplicity then, take my own. 

Rule of Thirds 

1. I think i followed this rule well. 
2. The subject is gym 
3. Its clear he's playing basketball. 


1. yeah i think i followed this rule well, the chairs are balancing themselves 
2. the subject is theater 
3. no its not clear, its confusing 
4. i could of saw a good picture of a balancing photo to copy the style or angle 


1. i think i framed this photo pretty well. 
2. the subject is math 
3. its clear this is a math because of the books. 

Avoiding Mergers 

                                  1. this picture isn't as understanding as it sounds 
                                     2. the subject is hair 

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