Monday, January 7, 2013

Best of 2012

The best song of 2012 is most defff Taylor Swift, we are never getting back together. At the time I was going threw a break up, it was like a fun break up song that made me feel better. The catchy up tone beat made the song popular. The lyrics were so relateable to me.

Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 was MY ABSOLUTE TOP FAVORITE MOVIE of 2012. No doubt. Twilight all together was a thrilling series. It was bitter sweet only because it was the last saga. I fell in love with each character from the first movie. I am a Twilight Fan, but I am not obsessed.

Hurricane Sandy was one of the  most important new of 2012. It killed so many people & did so much damage to New Orleans & affected New York. Tragedies like this are always scary. My cousins were lucky enough to survive this hurricane.   Thats why its so close to my heart.

Rihanna was one of the most important people. She made some of the hottest songs. Shes so great in my opinion. Shes independent and so carefree. I love her. Rihanna is has great fashion sense & it probably a really good role model.

I believe Chelsea Lately is the best entertainment person, her show is so popular and funny. She has a really sarcastic/ rude but funny personality. Her E! channel is a big hit right now! Chelsea's show isnt always jokes, she talks about real issues also. She always has guess appearances, movie stars, big famous people.    

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